Thursday 31 March 2016

Upcoming Translations

Currently in the works are the publication of Black Flame in Spanish as Fuego Negro: La Política Revolucionaria de Clase del Anarquismo y el Sindicalismo, and its translation into French as Flamme Noire: La politique de classe révolutionnaire de l'anarchisme et le syndicalisme. 

The German-language edition of Black Flame, Schwarze Flamme: Revolutionären Klassenpolitik des Anarchismus und Syndikalismus, with Lucien van der Walt, translated by Gabriel Kühn & Holger Marcks, Edition Nautilus, Hamburg, Germany, 2013.

In planning are a Spanish translation of Cartography of Revolutionary Anarchism as Cartografía del Anarquismo Revolucionario, and an Arabic translation as رسم الخرائط من الأناركية الثورية.

The French-language edition of Cartography, Cartographie de l’anarchisme révolutionnaire, translated by Alexandre Sánchez, Lux Éditeur, Montreal, Canada, 2012. This book is in a series called Instinct de Liberté that includes writings by Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, David Graeber, John Holloway, and others.